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Obra de Paola Delfín en la torre Coahuila de Tlatelolco, inspirada en el tema de cambio climático


La fachada norte de la torre Coahuila, en el icónico conjunto habitacional Nonoalco Tlatelolco en la CDMX, es el lienzo monumental que Paola Delfín convirtió en una obra de arte público inspirada en el tema de cambio climático, en nuestro rol como humanos en la protección de la tierra. La misión era tomar un muro de este histórico edificio de 24 niveles para crear un macromural que fomente la consciencia y toma de acción frente al cambio climático (el ODS 13 de la Agenda 2030 de la ONU para el Desarrollo Sostenible).
Además de inspirar a través de la imagen, el mural actúa como un jardín vertical que purifica el aire porque utiliza una pintura que se activa al contacto con la luz y elimina partículas nocivas de la atmósfera.La composición vertical en escala de grises presenta dos mujeres que cargan plantas y sobre sus cabezas vuelan tres quetzales. Las modelos para el mural son las integrantes del proyecto musical Luna Santa, quienes produjeron el tema musical Bendita tierra, vinculado al mural.


Paola Delfín

(Ciudad de México, 1989). Es una pintora y muralista autodidacta que desde pequeña encontró en el dibujo y en la pintura su medio primordial de expresión. Descubrió muy joven su pasión por el arte y desarrolló una gran habilidad técnica para realizar murales de gran formato, por lo que ha sido una de las muralistas mexicanas más activas a nivel internacional. En su obra explora a menudo la belleza y fuerza femenina, la relación de las personas con su entorno natural y social. Es común que se inspire de historias locales y personas reales para realizar sus bocetos.

English version
The north facade of the Coahuila Tower, in the iconic Nonoalco Tlatelolco housing complex in Mexico City, is the monumental canvas that Paola Delfín turned into a public artwork inspired by the theme of climate change, our role as humans in protecting the earth. The mission was to take a wall of this historic 24-story building to create a macro mural that promotes awareness and action on climate change (SDG 13 of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development). In addition to inspiring through the image, the mural acts as a vertical garden that purifies the air because it uses a paint that is activated on contact with light and removes harmful particles from the atmosphere. This paint called Airlite is an invention of the Italian Massimo Bernardoni, who claims that every 12 m2 of painted surface is capable of eliminating the pollution produced by a car a day. This material is increasingly used in urban mural projects around the world. After 150 days of work, with pauses due to weather and other technical difficulties, Paola Delfín finished the piece in the heart of the Tlatelolco neighborhood, visible from the busy Paseo de la Reforma avenue. The vertical grayscale composition features two women carrying plants and three quetzals flying over their heads. The models for the mural are the members of the musical project Luna Santa, who produced the theme song Bendita tierra, linked to the mural. "They represent all of us, as humanity, protecting the earth where seeds have been planted," explains Delfín and adds: "The quetzals, majestic beings that cohabited with the first civilizers, and that today are in danger of extinction, remind us that we are responsible for taking care of their lives and all the beings that live next to us, for maintaining the balance of our planet". The mural alludes to the four elements, which various cultures around the world consider the origin or essence of everything: earth (in the mural, represented by the plants), water (the staff that connects heaven and earth), fire (the women, as a representation of fertility and transformation) and air (the quetzals in flight). It also includes the so-called 'fifth element' or ether, associated with the symbol Flower of Life, which proposes that all things come from one source and are intimately woven together.


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