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SOS Save The Planet!

Mural de Sr. Papá Chango en Berlín


Este muro de Sr. Papá Chango pertenece a una serie de piezas que abordan el cuidado del medio ambiente. En esta composición vertical, los personajes lanzan un llamado de ayuda urgente para salvar al planeta.
Con su estilo cercano a la ilustración infantil, los personajes peludos y coloridos de Sr. Papá Chango conectan con niños y adultos y transmiten ideas sencillas e importantes. “La falta de empatía por el planeta nos ha llevado a extinguir especies, alterar nuestro clima y producir basura masivamente. Por todo lo anterior decidí pintar este mural, donde el único objetivo es buscar la empatía por el planeta e invitar a la gente a sumarse a esta lucha diaria”, declaró el artista.
“Los animales y los monstruos se juntan para salir a las calles a luchar y pedir a la personas que cuiden su planeta. Necesitan tu ayuda urgentemente. No necesitas ser un superhéroe para ayudar. Las pequeñas acciones de cada día pueden cambiar todo, salvemos nuestro planeta”, agregó.


Sr. Papá Chango

(Ciudad de México, 1987). Reside en Berlín, Alemania. Estudió en la UAM Xochimilco la carrera de diseño de la comunicación gráfica, especializado en ilustración. Ganó el concurso de ilustración de la Feria Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (FILIJ), edición 2016. Ha hecho murales en Alemania, Australia, México, España y Países Bajos. “Me da un gran orgullo ser un representante mexicano en Europa y poder formar parte de su cultura urbana actual, ya que ello me ha dado la oportunidad de conectar el arte mexicano con personas de todo el mundo”.

English version
Jair Meza under his alias Mr. Papa Chango says he paints monsters to connect with people of all ages and try to raise awareness of current world issues. This wall belongs to a series of pieces that address environmental care. In a vertical composition, two tender characters launch an urgent call for help to save the planet. With a style close to children's illustration, his furry and colorful characters convey simple and important ideas. "The lack of empathy for the planet has led us to extinguish species, alter our climate and massively produce garbage. For all these reasons I decided to paint this mural, where the only goal is to seek empathy and invite people to join this daily struggle," said the artist. Upon moving to Berlin, the urban art scene motivated him to get off paper and start creating art on walls. The artist explains that he signs as Mr. Papa Chango out of the need to create an alter ego that doesn't mind conveying what he really feels. "I searched for the most irreverent and unfiltered animal of all and came up with the chango or monkey," which allows him to "create all my artwork from the heart and without any filters." His illustration style appeals to people of all ages and addresses social and environmental issues. "When we grow up, life tells us that we have to stop imagining and forces us to forget those imaginary things that have made us happy and have accompanied us for many years. But some celebrations of Mexican culture taught me that it doesn't have to be that way. That's why I want my art to help people recover their imagination," she shares. "Animals and monsters come together to take to the streets to fight and ask people to take care of their planet. They urgently need your help. You don't have to be a superhero to do it. Small actions every day can change everything, let's save our planet," he added.


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